Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes

Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes

By Patricia A. Wolf

Male and FemaleContemporaryBell Pepper

Christmas Wonderland Park was Carrie’s favorite spot for hot chocolate, candy canes, and all the holiday festivities brimming with Christmas magic. When Carrie’s two year old bulldog, Harry, sniffs out Lizzy, a Rottweiler puppy, a Christmas friendship is born. New in town and alone at Christmas, Steve enjoys taking his dog Lizzy to the park, but when Carrie accidentally sits on his lap, an unexpected Christmas tradition begins to unfold.

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Christmas was Carrie’s happy season. The bright lights that sometimes twinkled, the pine scent, the cold weather that gave her the chance to wear all her favorite sweaters, the shopping, the gift wrapping, the trips down memory lane, the time for reflection, the food, and drinks–everything that made her happy. Specifically, the hot chocolate with extra cocoa. The richer the chocolate, the better. Add a candy cane to the cup and perfection was achieved.  

Every year, a wonderful hot cocoa stand would be set up near the park where she enjoyed her evening December walks. The park was filled with Christmas wonder and holiday spirit. Vendors took advantage of the perfect location and all its décor. Vendors sold all kinds of delicious treats to those who knew of the park’s hidden Christmas treasures. 

Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes

Hot Cocoa and Candy Canes

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